Canadian 3D Printed Electronics

3D printed electronics, 3d printing, 3D Printing Industry, Award, functional material, i3DP, resin -

Canadian 3D Printed Electronics

Printed electronics is an emerging market worth tens of billions worldwide. This rapidly growing global industry is expected to be worth US$70 billion by 2024 (IDTechEx).  Governments such as Europe, and the U.S. have been investing heavily in this market given its enormous potential.

Canada is trying to do its part too with the emergence of the The Canadian Printable Electronics Industry Association, an association created to assist the Canadian industry in achieving sustained growth and competitiveness in the global printed electronics market. Formi 3DP an active member in the CPEIA recently took part in CPES2017 a conference and trade show exhibition for printable, flexible and wearable electronics. 

Formi 3DP presented for the Startup of the Year where we showcased our i3DP platform with a focus on 3D printed electronics. Contact us for more information about our printed electronic services.